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文档介绍:: .
Have you insisted on reading great books
What is a great book There is no end to the making of books. Nor does there seem to be any end to the making lists of great books. There has always be more books than one could read. You can be happy at the fact that the number of that is relatively small.
However,today,people usually leave it in the library. According to the national reading survey issued by The China Academy of Press and Publication, in 20XX, only 55% Chinese aged between18 and 70 book read books .That is to say, there are more than forty percent of the people seldom read in China.
It is a great challenge to literature. As a educated student,have you insist on reading great books. In order to change the situation ,we must take actions to read great books.
In Adler's essay of What is A Great Book, he explain why we should read great books. I conclude it as
First,great books are the most readable. They will
not let you down ,if you read them well. The have more ideas per page than most books in the their entirety. This is why you can read a great book over and over again and never exhaust it contents.
Second ,great books are always contemporary,in contrast to the books we called contemporary,because they are currently popular ,last for a year or tow,or ten at most. You may probably can not recall the names of many earlier best sellers,and you may probably would not be interest in reading them. But the great are never out modeled by the movement of thought or the shifting winds of opinion .
Third ,great books are the most instructive. This follows the fact that they are original xxmunications. They contain what cannot be found in other books.
Whether you ultimately agree or disagree what they say. They are the primary teachers of mankind. They have made basic contribution to human right .
Just giving you the reason is not enough, I will
give yo