摘 要:针对目前的轮廓对应算法在处理形状复杂的研究对象时容易产生错误的对应关系及计算效率低的问题,提出了基于三角形外接圆的轮廓对应算法。该算法对位于不同截面上的每一个轮廓进行三角剖分,将剖分得到的三角形合法化之后提取其外接圆,通过研究位于相邻截面上的外接圆间的对应关系来确定轮廓间的对应。实验结果表明,该算法能够很好地处理形状复杂的研究对象,具有较好的鲁棒性和实时性。
contour correspondence algorithm based on circumcircles of triangles
chen min, zhang zhiyi*, tian sulei, zhang xian
college of information engineering, northwest agriculture and forest university, xianyang shaanxi 712100, china
since the current contour correspondence algorithms are apt to cause erroneous correspondence relationship and their calculation efficiency is low, a method based on the circumcircles of triangles was proposed in this paper. each contour in every cross
section was triangulated first, and then the circumcircles of triangles that had been legalized were extracted. by investigating the correspondence relationship among circumcircles, the correspondence relationship among contours, which lay on adjacent crosssections, can be determined. the experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper can robustly and rapidly process objects of complicated shapes.
key words:
triangulation; triangle legalization; circumcircle correspondence; contour correspondence; threedimensional reconstruction
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