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文档介绍:Module 8 Time off
Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re
in the city centre.
By Wang Guoqiang
Pinghu Chengguan Middle School
May 12th,2016
The conversation is about____.
A:sights of Beihai Park
B: going to Beihai Park
Lingling: Shall we go for a walk there?
Tony: That’s a great idea.
Look at the photo and guess.
Tony has/hasn’t heard about Beihai Park.
Tony guesses that the park is very popular /not very popular.
Linging suggests that they spend the day there/ Daming and Betty come too.
Linging thinks/ doesn’t think the park will be busy.
Listen again and choose the correct answer
Tony: I’ve heard that Beihai Park is very beautiful.
Lingling: Yes, it is. Shall we go for a walk there?
Tony: That’s a great idea. Maybe Daming and Betty will come too.
Linging:Let’s tell them that we’re going to spend the day there.
Tony: I guess it’s a very popular place. Will there be lots of people there.
Lingling:Well, lots of people go there, but it’s a big
park, so I don’t think it’ll be very busy.
Tony: I hope so.
Read and check
A trip to Beihai Park
Listen and answer
1. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In Beihai Park
will they do at the top of the hill?
They’ll have a picnic.
B. on the way to Beihai Park
1. Beihai Park is so ______ that you can even hear the birds singing.
2. The park is famous for its ______, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill.
3. The lake takes up____________ of the park area.
4. You can point out the ________ of Beijing from the top of the hill.
5. They do not allow people to swim___________.
Listen for more information about Beihai park.
in the lake
over half
Listen and repeat
Pronunciation and speaking
’s so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing.
’s walk along the lake, cross the bridge and climb up the hill.
lake takes up over half of the park area.
Let’s walk along the bridge and climb up the hill. Then I can poin