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上传人:小雄 2021/8/5 文件大小:85 KB




文档介绍:Internal management, establish a sound internal control system, enterprises and the needs for enterprises to face market risks and challenges. Only in accordance with the actual situation of their own, developed to meet the needs of internal management control system, and strictly follow the implementation can be sustained, steady and healthy development.
内部管理,建立健全内部控制制度,企业和企业面临的市场风险和挑战的需 要。只有按照自己的实际情况,开发出满足内部管理控制系统的需求,并严格遵 照执行能够持续,稳定和健康的发展。
The so-called internal control, the means by the enterprises board of directors, managers and other staff implementation, in order to ensure the reliability of financial reporting, operating efficiency and effectiveness of existing laws and regulations to follow, and so provide reasonable assurance that the purpose of the course. Internal controls related to enterprise production and management of the control environment, risk assessment, supervision and decision-making, information and transfer and self-examination, from a business perspective on the whole in all aspects of production. Their effective implementation will undoubtedly promote enterprise production and management to a new level, to promote the rationalization of business processes and standardization.
所谓内部控制,董事会的企业董事会,经理和其他员工实施的,为保证财务 报告的可靠性,现有的法律法规,经营的效率和效果跟踪,并提供合理的保证, 本课程的教学目的。内部控制的控制环境,企业的生产和管理相关的风险评估, 监督和决策,信息传递和反思,从商业角度对整个生产的各个环节。他们的有效 实施无疑会促进企业生产管理水平,促进业务流程的合理化和标准化。
First, the internal control in practical work-to-business production and business activities and external socio-economic activities will bring about far-reaching impact, produced good results.
首先,在对企业的生产经营活动和外部社会经济活动的实际工作的内部控制 带来了深远的影响,产生了良好的结果。
To ensure the development of the enterprise management principles, and implement the objectives of the
The internal control systems from a number of specific policies, systems and procedures of penetration in the business activities of the various aspects of existence as long as their internal operations and management aspect,


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