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外文文献原稿和译文 原 稿 Introduction Although creditors can develop a variety of protective provisions to protect their own interests, but a number of plementary measures are critical to effectively safeguard their interests have to see the pany"s ,
to improve a pany"s solvency Liabilities are on the
the other hand, the stronger a pany"s solvency the easier cash investments required for the project, whose total assets are often relatively low debt ratio, which is the point of the pecking order theory of phase ,
a pany"s short-term liquidity, the stronger the short-term debt ratio is also lower, long-term solvency, the stronger the long-term debt ratio is also lower .Harris et ,
well as empirical research and Underperformance found that the solvency (in the quick ratio and interest coverage ratio, respectively, short-term solvency and long-term solvency) to total debt ratio has significant negative
into account the data collected convenience, this paper represents short-term solvency ratios and to study the long-term solvency by the quick ratio and cash flow impact on the real estate debt capital structure of listed panies.
Listed panies Solvency Analysis When panies need money, the choice of financing preference order, namely in accordance with retained earnings, issuance of bonds, financing order issued
to this theory, strong corporate profitability, retained earnings more For financing first will consider retained ,
the profitability of the total debt ratio should be negatively correlated debt avoidance theory based natural surface that under otherwise identical conditions, a highly profitable pany should borrow more debt, because they use avoidance of the need for greater debt, and therefore higher debt
growth of the pany"s financial leverage without the support, based on this, to select 378 sles from th