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科技英语翻译 11a.ppt

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科技英语翻译 11a.ppt



文档介绍:科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧数字和倍数的翻译数字的表达及翻译? Ten thousand (一万) ? One hundred thousand (十万) ? One million (一百万) ? Ten million (一千万) ? One hundred million (亿) ? One billion (十亿) ? Ten billion (百亿) ? One hundred billion (千亿) ? One trillion (万亿) 数字修饰语的翻译?英语中常用 flat, cool, sharp, exactly, whole, just 等词修饰数字, 表示“正好”、“恰好”、“整整”等。? He finished the experiment in twenty-four hours flat. ?他完成这一实验正好用了 24小时的时间。? The physician treated cool 30 patients that day. ?这位内科医生那天正好看了 30个病人。? The plane takes off at 7 o ’ clock sharp. ?这架飞机 7点整起飞。? The machine worked for ten whole days. ?这台机器整整运转了 10天时间。? The wire measures exact ten meters. ?这条导线刚好 10米长。?英语中常用 about, some, around, round, approximately, closely to, nearly, towards 等词修饰数字,表示“大约”、“上下”、“将近”、“几乎”等。? The volume of the sun is about / some / around / round 1, times that of the earth. ?太阳的体积约为地球的 130 万倍。? It is nearly / towards 4 o ’ clock. ?将近 4点种。? The price of this new machine is in the neighborhood of / of the order of a thousand dollars. ?这台新机器的价格约为 1,000 美圆。? Noise figure in the border of 4 to 5 dB at Ghz has been reported. ?据称,在 2,000 兆赫时,噪声系数约为 4-5 分贝。? According to the weather man, the temperature will be up 5 ℃ or so. ?据天气预报,气温将升高 5℃左右。?英语中常用 more than, odd, over, above, exceed, upwards of, or more, higher than, in excess of 等词修饰数字,表示“超过”、“以上”、“有余”、“高于”、“多于”等。? Pig iron is an alloy of iron and carbon with the carbon content more than two percent. ?生铁是铁碳合金,其中碳含量超过 2% 。? Only when a rocket attains a speed of 18,000 odd miles per hour, can it put a manmade satellite in orbit. ?只有当火箭速度达到每小时 18,000 多英里时,才能把人造卫星送入轨道。? Over / Above / More than / Not less than 100 chemical elements are known to man; of these about 80 are metals. ?人类已知的化学元素有 100 种以上,其中有 80种是金属。? Upwards of seven thousand medical workers have left for the earthquake district. ?有7000 多名医务人员前往震区。? The patients are children of three years old and upwards. ?这些病人是三岁和三岁以上的儿童。?英语中常用 under, below, less, less than, no more than, short of, off, to, within, as few as 等词修饰


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