学 院:
题 目:企业生产计划管理系
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The Design and Realization of Costume Enterprise Production Planning Management System
With the tide rolling of informationization, the information in the field of high tech domain has already further deployed. And the times has already clarioned that the informationization should promote the industrialization and the industrialization should stimulate the informationization as well. Responding to that, the traditional clothing industry will establish the information management as a core competitive power in the enterprise.
Beginning with some information about the grand background of the production management system of the costume enterprise, this paper makes a brief introduction about the status quo of the ERP system in this field. The following module is an analysis of the business procedure of costume enterprises, together with a comment of the function demand on production management of costume enterprise and quality demand on software and hardware of the enterprise. Then there is a detailed analysis of the separate function of the modules and data design, followed by a suggestion about how to construct a manufacture system and practical realization that meets the manufacture and management demand of the costume enterprise.
Keywords: costumes enterprise, production management, production management system, production plan management
目 录
第一章 前言 7
1. 1企业发展现状 7
1. 2 ERP的定义 8
1. 3 ERP软件在国内的应用现状 8
1. 4 企业生产管理信息化的任务与意义 9
第二章 需求分析 10
2. 1 业务流程分析 10
2. 2生产管理系统的基本功能需求 10
2. 2. 1 生产计划模块 11
2. 2. 2 采购系统模块 11