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Thanks to my tutor professor XXX, he wrote to a doctor of letters) are careful meticulous, conscientious and meticulous style has always been my work and study of the model; They described the teach and outside-the-box thinking gives me endless inspiration.
Thank my small white teacher, this paper details and each data of each experiment, cannot leave your careful
you, cheerful personality and tolerant attitude, help me to quickly into our new laboratory
Thank my roommates, from distant home came to this strange city, is you and I jointly maintain the brotherly feelings between each other, sustained by the family harmonious
four years, as if just
graduation thesis thank-you note thank-you
years, we have no red face, no oral fight, not happen ago college to worry about any unhappy
in the future we rarely get together for a year again yuan hajek said meal, it doesn't matter, go their own way, you take good
wish to
in peace, left-behind fudan D, E&;F happy, diversionary measure G the smooth, also want to leave our bedroom H&;I open happy
time we share together, I'll remember for a lifetime.
Thanks to my mom and dad, how much breakwater grass, tree back, gratefulness, repay you, you always healthy and happy is my


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