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Between Parents and Us
Although Father’s Day may be celebrated at different times of the year in different parts of the world, I think the importance of the day remains the same. It is a day to show our love and respect for our fathers.
As a young girl, I remember the excitement I felt whenever I had a chance to spend time with my father on the farm. Although he was busy doing his work, being with him was what mattered most to me. I can remember my father giving orders to the dogs as they corralled1 the sheep. I held his strong hands as we crossed the yard to close the gate behind the last sheep.
It was amazing to see that my dad wrestled sheep after sheep to get them into just the right position for shearing2. I remember the sweat pouring down from his head when he worked hard, shearing one sheep after another, pausing now and then to have a drink of water and give me a smile.
Later we would go back to the house in our old car. I sat in the front seat, feeling like a queen, with my dad next to me and the dogs in the back.
My father’s memory of the same day may be quite different, but no matter which story you hear, it all comes down to one thing: It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember him to be.
1. corral (家畜)关进畜栏
2. shear (羊毛)
Read the passage and choose the best answer for


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