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文档介绍:洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) I 基于 AT89C51 单片机电烤箱的温度控制系统设计摘要随着社会的不断发展,人们改造自然的能力也在不断的提高。机器的诞生, 为我们减少了部分或者全部的脑力劳动和体力劳动。电子技术的诞生更是带来了翻天覆地的变化。机电控制系统成为机械技术与微电子技术集成的共性关键技术。人们通过它可以使机械完全按照自己的意愿来执行。随着机电控制技术的发展,主要体现出了单片机和 PLC 两种控制方式。本设计采用单片机控制。单片机在日常生活中的运用越来越广泛。温度控制在工业生产中经常遇到。从石油化工到电力生产,从冶金到建材,从食品到机械都要对温度进行控制. 甚至在有些产品生产过程中温度的控制直接影响到产品的质量。单片机温度控制无论是现在还是未来都会起到重要作用。本文介绍了以 AT89C51 单片机为核心的电烤箱温度控制系统。电烤箱的温度控制系统有两个部分组成:硬件部分和软件部分。其中硬件部分包括:单片机电路、传感器电路、放大器电路、转换器电路、以及键盘和显示电路。软件部分包括:主程序、运算控制程序、以及各功能实现模块的程序。文章最后对本设计进行了总结。对温度控制系统的发展提出了几点建议。关键词: 单片机,温度,电烤箱,控制洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) II AT89C51 SINGLE-CHIP BASED ON THE OVEN'S TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN ABSTRACT With the continuous development of society, people's ability to transform nature of the advance has been. The birth of the machine for us to reduce some or allof the mental and physical. The birth of electronic technology has brought even more earth-shaking changes. Electrical and mechanical engineering control systems e integrated with the microelectronic mon key technologies. People can make through its machinery in full accordance with the wishes of their own to implement. With the development of electrical and mechanical control techniques, mainly reflecting the two types of single-puter and PLC control. The design uses a single-chip control. Single-chip puter use in their daily lives more and more widely. Temperature control in industrial production are often encountered. Chemicals from oil to electricity production, from metallurgy to materials, from food to mechanical temperature control should be. Or even some products in the production process control of temperature directly affects the quality of the product. Single-chip temperature control both now and will play an important role in the future. This paper introduces the AT89C51 single-chip puter as the core of the oven temperature control system. Oven temperature control system has two parts: hardware and software parts. ponents which include: Single-chip circuit, sensor circuit, amplifier cir