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文档介绍:arm9 嵌入式系统设计 arm9 嵌入式系统设计基于 ARM9 嵌入式微处理器的远程仓库管理系统摘要仓库管理是物流当中的一个重要环节,也在企业的整个管理流程中起着非常重要的作用,如果不能保证及时准确的进货、库存控制和发货,将会给企业带来巨大损失,这不仅表现为企业各项管理费用的增加,而且会导致客户服务质量难以得到保证,、准确要求,因此,在20世纪 70年代,通用计算机开始应用到仓库管理上,它带来了仓库管理的一次革命,但随之也带来了新的问题:建设成本巨高,后期维护量大,硬件系统不可靠。随着嵌入式技术的发展,人们似乎又找到了更加适合用于仓库管理的系统。嵌入式系统以体积小,功耗低,运算能力强等优点著称,它一般被设计成某一场合专用的系统。本文设计的远程仓库管理系统,客户机是以运行 Windows CE 操作系统的手持式设备,服务器采用运行 Windows Server 2003 的 PC 机。客户机的硬件平台以 ARM9 ( S3C2410 ) 微处理器作为核心,通过以太网与服务器建立连接组成一个远程仓库管理系统。该系统可以实现到货检验、入库、出库、调拨、移库、库存盘点等各个作业环节。关键词:远程仓库管理系统,嵌入式系统, ARM9 微处理器, Windows arm9 嵌入式系统设计 ABSTRACT W arehouse management system take an important part in labour exchange ,but also the entire business process management plays an important role, if it can not guarantee timely and accurate purchasing, inventory control and shipping, will bea great loss to businesses, not only the performance of the management costs for enterprises increases, and customer service quality will lead to difficult tobe assured that the ultimate impact of the petitiveness of enterprises. Traditional artificial storage and data acquisition mode of operation has long warehouse management can not meet the rapid and accurate request, therefore, in the 20th century, 70's, began to apply general-puters, warehouse management, warehouse management which has brought a revolution, but with the it has also brought new problems: the construction of huge high-cost, post-maintenance, and unreliable hardware. With the development of embedded technology, there seems to have found a more suitable system for warehouse management. Embedded systems are small, low power consumption, computing power, said the strong advantages, it is generally designed asa forum dedicated system. In this paper, the design ofa remote warehouse management system, client operating system is running Windows CE handheld devices, servers running Windows Server 2003 using the PC. Client hardware platform asa core ARM9 microprocessors, servers


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