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Required software : Excel ® or above
Required hardware : XLSTAT is compatible with all PCs that can run Microsoft Excel® . However, for optimal performance, a 486DX33 PC with 8Mb RAM or a PowerPC-based Macintosh is recommended.
To install XLSTAT you need to copy all the files from the XLSTAT disk to the hard disk. You load XLSTAT by opening the file with the open command in the File menu of Excel, or better, you can use the add-in manager in the tools menu. A double click on the file name or icon in the Windows Explorer of file manager is also possible.
The professional version of XLSTAT is exactly the same as the shareware one, the only difference being that it is not time limited and that a free update service is provided if the author is contacted at ******@.
XLSTAT website is :

Running XLSTAT - XLSTAT Manager
To run XLSTAT, please load the file by opening it with Excel File|Open command or by using the Tools|Add-in Manager menu.
Once XLSTAT is opened, the available commands can be directly accessed from the menubar or from the "XLSTAT Manager" which corresponds to the colored icon in the XLSTAT toolbar.
Using the XLSTAT Manager to open the tools makes it possible to access them in the XLSTAT toolbar, as they are added to it after selection. To know what tool corresponds to what icon of the toolbar, leave the mouse cursor on the icon, and read the "info balloon" that will appear.
By using the "XLSTAT Manager" to select tools, you can also save a configuration as "default". Saving a configuration as "default" using the "Save" button, will make you save time : each time XLSTAT will load, it will automatically open the tools you saved in the configuration. When you click on save the options corresponding to the “O” button of the toolbar are also saved for the next sessions.
You can also activate the