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上传人:379266576 2021/8/18 文件大小:20 KB





Blink of an eye, a holiday passed, this holiday has too much e____citement and e____citement, we wait for many years of the Olympic Games finally opened, our mood is really like that Olympic life, burning.
After a holiday, it seems that I was a year old, and now I look at themselves, their holiday life to the holidays, my life has maintained a good school style of study, can do early to bed and early to get up early, in the pletion of holiday work, I also strive to maintain the best state with the pletion of learning.
I also did a plan for the ne____t academic year.
This holiday season, I have a very fulfilling, I hope I have a new term in the updated weather.

The short winter vacation is about to end.
In life, I finally overe some shortings, such as: playing puter for too long, do not love to do housework, always like to stay in bed these habits are not that change can change, everything costs nine The power of cattle.
Although I changed a lot of shortings, but there are still some shortings, but I believe that as long as I work, these shortings will be able to overe me.
In the pletion of learning tasks at the same time, I also help my father and mother do whatever housework, such as washing, sweeping, buying New Year's Eve every possible,


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