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关于初一英语作文短文 初一下册英语作文范文.doc

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关于初一英语作文短文 初一下册英语作文范文.doc

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关于初一英语作文短文 初一下册英语作文范文.doc



关于初一英语作文短文 初一下册英语作文范文
Make Track for a Star
This time, we talk about a popular topic: make track for a star.
In recent years, thephenomenon of middle school students to make track for a star can be seen people say that high school students make track for a star is good, of course somepeople deny this statement.
So high school students make track for a star is good or bad! Inmake track for a star, I think is a double-edged sword.
Make track for a star may be makingmost of the time wasted, and if make track for a star will make us lose yourself too much, notvery well to develop his own personalit.

Always imitate star, affect their own future.
But maketrack for a star will make our time following the e____le of star, pay attention to its image andtemperament.
The degree of confidence boost, but also can learn the advantages of chasingstars, to better improve themselves.
So I think make track for a star is a double-edged sword:there are both advantages and disadvantages.
Here also want to remind love make track for astar of the classmates: make track for a star to moderate.
Catch up With Stars
These days, there are many young stars rising around China, such as, TF boys, E____O and so on.
And more and more teenagers bee c


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