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上传人:蓝天 2021/8/18 文件大小:96 KB





文档介绍:( )15Which stress of the folloing words is different from the others?
parter B. begin C. unhappy
二、完行填空 (1 0分)
In the last few years our communication network has been at a very fast pace. The old
fixedline telephone has been replaced by mobile phone, short message service, e-mail and instant there are new ways of communicating related to the Internet ,such as blogs ( 博
客)。 「
The scientists find people are very good at choosing the technology for each situation.
Landline phones(固定电话)are an open channel. That means people use them to talk non 一
private things. That's because other family members or workmates may hear what you say on the phone .
SMR is used close friends to keep in touch. It'svery efficient and private. The mssages are
often related topersonal secrets.
People often use E -mail for online communication with bigger social groups. That includes ordinary friends. it is used for changing pictures, music and other content among a social
IM,such as MSN and QQ, is a continuous channel .Users open an instant messaging channel for the day. Then they just it open while they do other activities.
Managing ablog is like creating your own independent club on the Internet for friends to visit:. It is often the center of a small group of friends share the same hobbies.
Cost does help decide a new form of communication will be accessible(易受・™影


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