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上传人:WonderB 2021/8/18 文件大小:42 KB





20________ is ing to an end, the new year is nearing.
________ project from mid-April 20________ formal construction to the present, of which the total number of steel pipe gantry workshop area of 9820 square meters, reserved warehouse door frame steel structure with a total area of 3840 square meters, the main body in early June 2021, 2021 In mid-October across the board into use, the results with the pany's leadership and the project department of the hard work of all employees are inseparable, but also our design department, Department of Materials, Engineering and other panies from top to bottom the result of unity and cooperation.

In the whole construction process of the project, also deeply aware of the importance of teamwork, some of their own shortings, team harmony, etc.
are the key factors affecting the smooth progress of the project.
To this end, now the fourth quarter engineering work summarized as follows:
First, the schedule of progress
In the early stage of construction, under the consistent efforts of the whole pany, the whole works well and the project has a good trend from safety, quality and progress.
However, the processing of raw materials is an important link.
, The audit of its materials related to the acceptance of the project safety, progress and other major links.
(Materials often problems: 1, the material does not match the original drawings.

Refer to the drawings one by one inspection to ensure that the material is correct; followed by raw materials in the production process to increase its efforts to monitor the pany to ensure the correct production of materials for the Do not need to do a good job guarantee .2, raw materials approach the corresponding information is not perfect .It is remended in the process of distribution of materials, th


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