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文档介绍:World World Exposition Exposition 张独伊张晨王宇航陈澄 the World Exposition in London the World Exposition in London The first real world Expo is the 1851 in London. Victorian era is the UK's heyday, completion of the industrial revolution in Britain e the number one country in Europe, the expansion of colonialism the self-appointed "Sun Empire", because a strong and enormous appeal to the British essfully hosted the event. By Albert Prince led a mittee designated the famous Hyde Park as fair venues, with a tender for the construction of large Pavilion long 490 m, width of 117 m), high 33 meters, huge steel frame is 81000 square meters of glass cover, looked magnificent splendor, later this is known as "Crystal Palace". London Expo about 18000 businessman showcased them about 10 million products. These include exhibition produced a 24 tons of coal, a large magic from India, there is a sample of drill elephant, and steam engines, agricultural machinery and textile machinery show visitors is a modern industrial development and human glows unlimited imagination. anizing Committee for the 5000 + exhibitors presented the award, which China sent exhibition of silk, the ch'i-p'ao , tea, and so won various awards. London Expo a great ess, not just 630 million visitors and a profit of million, the United Kingdom it was a great reputation, and the British people you got two museums: London Expo provides the Foundation for the British two Museum exhibits: Albert Museum and Coruscant's Museum of science and technology, this approach became ills Expo tradition. The Centennial International Exhibition of 1876 The Centennial International Exhibition of 1876 The Centennial International Exhibition in Paris The Centennial International Exhibition in Paris The 1900 Paris Exposition in 1900 in April, Paris world ‘s fair opening, this is the third time in Paris Expo, is the human history of the 9th Expo. Visitors up to 40 million peopl


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