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文档介绍:基于 的洗衣店管理系统 1 海南大学毕业论文( 设计) 题目: 基于 的洗衣店管理系统学号: 200 91602310073 姓名: 石辉年级: 200 9级学院: 信息科学技术学院系别: 计算机系专业: 计算机科学与技术指导教师: 常颖讲师完成日期: 20 13年4月25日基于 的洗衣店管理系统 2 摘要洗衣店的快速发展影响着每个人的生活,我们不再为成堆的脏衣服发愁,也不用请保姆,只需要交给洗衣店就可以了。特别是有些衣物,只适合干洗,丢给洗衣店再好不过了。现在的人们处在一种快节奏的社会生活中,下班回家后,很多人都非常疲惫而不愿意做家务,再加上生活水平的提高,这些都促进了洗衣店的发展。现在是信息化的社会,面对成百上千的客户,我们不可能用传统的手工记账,这些信息管理的工作只能交给洗衣店管理系统来做。采用了洗衣店管理系统后,收衣取衣变得无比轻松和快速,而且可以记住每一件衣服的详细信息,从而减少日后的纠纷;使用会员管理,你将可以留住更多的常客,也可以进行一些优惠活动;每天下班时,你可以方便地查看当天的营业收入信息,及时调整经营策略。甚至可以这样说,在当今社会,对于一个稍大一点的洗衣店而言,洗衣店管理系统的作用绝不亚于洗衣店里的干洗机。本洗衣店管理系统面向广大洗衣店的营业员与管理员,对洗衣店的收衣、取衣、会员管理、系统管理、营业收入统计等提供一种高效快捷的无纸化工作环境, 力求为洗衣店的管理水平与业务能力助力,最终提高客户在信息时代的竞争力。系统构建于 语言环境与 SQL Server 2008 的基础之上,采用 B/S 网络应用模型,界面简洁美观,操作方便快捷。关键词: 洗衣店管理系统;管理系统;数据库基于 的洗衣店管理系统 3 Abstract The rapid development of the laundry affect everyone's life, we no longer worry about the piles of dirty clothes, donot have a nanny, you only need to laundry. Especially clothing, is only suitable for dry cleaning, laundry threw could not be better. People ina fast-paced social life, home from work, a lotof people are very tired and donot want todo housework, coupled with the improvement of living standards, these have contributed to the development of the laundry. Information society, the face of hundreds of customers, we can not use the traditional manual bookkeeping, management of this information can only be handed over todo laundry management system. Laundry management system to take clothing, clothing collection has never been easier and fast, and can remember every piece of clothing, thereby reducing future disputes; using membership management, you will be able to retain more regulars , you can also make some promotions; work every day, you can easily view the day's operating e information to adjust business strategy. Can even be said that in today's society, for a slightly larger laundry, laundry management role no less laundry, dry cleaning machine. The laundry management system for the majority of laundry between the salesperson an