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八年级上册 英语课时作业.doc

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八年级上册 英语课时作业.doc

上传人:蓝天 2021/8/22 文件大小:188 KB


八年级上册 英语课时作业.doc



Unitl Where did you go on vacation?
Period 1 Section A (la-2c)
I .你能用英语写出下列短语吗?
呆在家里 去纽约市
拜访我的叔叔 去夏令营
去爬山 去海滩
参观博物馆 买特别的东西
遇见有趣的的人 做有趣的事情
play clean visit stay practice write dance study stop do go have\has
Tom and his father(come) to China last month.
My daughter(not go) to school yesterday.
There(be) three trees in front of this house last year.
you(watch) the soccer game last Friday afternoon?
How(be) the movie yesterday?
Tony often(g o) to the movies last year.
Mary visited her aunt last weekend.(改为否定句)Mary her aunt last
一 Did you clean the room?(作肯定回答) 一 Yes,.
saw an interesting movie yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) you an interesting movie yesterday?
They played games on the beach.(对划线部分提问)they on
the beach?
The bus trip was exciting.(对划线部分提问)the bus trip?
Unitl Where did you go on vacation?
Period 2 Section A (2d-3c)
(play) basketball yesterday afternoon .
you(clean) your room last weekend?
My mother(watch) TV last night.
My parents(go)to London two days ago .
What you(do) last weekend ?
(be) rainy yesterday .
somebody, anybody, anything, nobody 填空
A: broke the window last night. Did see or hear?
B: I didn't hear or see.
C: I heard a big noise and I looked out, but I didn't see.
D: I heard a noise outside last was a stong wind. I think the window wasn't closed. It broke in the wind.
A: I think you are it. It was the wind.
Unitl Where did you go on vacation?
Period 3 Section B (la-le)
可口的 昂贵的 令人兴奋的 便宜的 糟糕的 无聊的 有趣的 友好的

sing go study fly have
swim do visit stay work
tell lose hear
The hat is too. I'd like a cheaper one.
The boy stopped and started to laugh (笑)when he saw his mother.
The museum is. Let's visit some interesting places.
The man was friendly to us, but that woman was kind of.
一 How was the food there?
一 The noodles