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上传人:薇薇安 2021/8/23 文件大小:9 KB




文档介绍:Animals Need Protecting
Animals are our friends. Can you imagine only humans beings on earth without any animals? How lonely we will be!
But many animals are in danger in reality. The main reasons: First, People kill animals for money, just like rhinoceros and elephants; second, People take away their land, animals don’t have enough food, such as tigers and pandas; and some other things--Nature parks aren’t enough, baby animals often die…
In spite of the serious problem, We are glad to see the government is paying more and more attention to animal protection, and some people are working to help save the animals too. They raise a lot of money to set up more nature parks or give money to protect animals’ nature home…
It is believed by me that if correct actions are taken to preserve animals, any kind of them  will be far away from extinction forever.


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