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detection of filamentous tau inclusions by the fluorescent congo red derivative fsb [(trans,trans)-1-fluoro-2,5-bis(3-hydroxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy)styrylbenzene]论文.pdf

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detection of filamentous tau inclusions by the fluorescent congo red derivative fsb [(trans,trans)-1-fluoro-2,5-bis(3-hydroxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy)styrylbenzene]论文.pdf

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detection of filamentous tau inclusions by the fluorescent congo red derivative fsb [(trans,trans)-1-fluoro-2,5-bis(3-hydroxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy)styrylbenzene]论文.pdf



文档介绍:FEBS Letters 582 (2008) 901–906
Detection of filamentous tau inclusions by the fluorescent Congo
red derivative FSB [(trans,trans)-1-fluoro-2,5-bis(3-hydroxycarbonyl-
Ana Velascoa,1, Graham Frasera, Patrice Delobela, Bernardino Ghettib,
Isabelle Lavenira, Michel Goederta,*
a Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK
b Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, 635 Barnhill Drive,
Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA
Received 2 January 2008; revised 11 February 2008; accepted 12 February 2008
Available online 20 February 2008
Edited by Jesus Avila
The realisation that the formation of abnormal protein
Abstract Filamentous inclusions made of the microtubule-asso-
ciated protein tau in a hyperphosphorylated state are a defining deposits, such as b-amyloid and tau, precedes clinical symp-
feature of a large number of human neurodegenerative diseases. toms, has led to attempts at de