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文档介绍:The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 There is no royal road to learning. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 Grammar focus Phrasal verb cheer up set e up with Sentence He looks sad. Let ’ s cheer him up. We ’ re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people. We need to come up with some ideas. Meaning of phrasal verb make someone happier establish , start think up Match (1) people without homes (2) start; establish (3) make something clean (4) make someone happier (5) work in the open air (6) make something happen later (7) give something to somebody in order (8) to help someone who needs help (9) to hang or stick something on (a board) clean up put up cheer up work outside offer help put off give out homeless people set up cad The girl spent most of her money on clothes and ran out of her money before her mother came to see her. 2. 3. Lily and Lucy both take after their mother. 4. My bike has broken down, so I will have it fixed up. have sth. done 让某人做… I gave away my old picture books to the poor children in the remote villages. 1. What kinds of volunteer work could these students do? Name Hui Tang Joy Wei Loves football Writing stories Read about Chinese puter Could coach a er team for children read his stories to the old people or the little kids Start a Chinese history club. Help to teach the old people in the old people ’ s home to surf the