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上传人:guoxiachuanyue001 2021/8/25 文件大小:125 KB





文档介绍:: .
I. lt takes a couple of minu tes for the drug tcact.
2. The youn ger man will succeed Mr. White as director.
3. The picture looks goodagainst the white wall.
4. Lay down your arms or we ' fire !
5. Harris got a ticket for speeding.
6. The theatre onl yadmits 1,000 pers ons.
7. Long plane trips don agre'with me.
8. Attempts are being made tcarrest the spread of the disease.
9. The new dictio nary has reallytaken off.
10. He is too sad to hear the bad n ews
II. lt is a wonder that he rema ined alive after dropp ing from the roof of a ten-storied build ing.
12. Many of his friends backed his plan.
13. The boy badly wants a new bike.
14. Your idea won w'rk in practice.
15. The football player has a solidbuild .
16. When did he take up football?
17. The manager was ready tshoulder the blame.
18. The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.
19. The behavior of this computer is very good.
20. His songs always make me feeblue.
21. We chanced to be out when she called.
22. We have established tradees with these regions.
issound in body and mind.
24. He had topresent a smili ng face though heavy-hearted.
25. When the fire alarm sounds , each man rushes to hpost.
was voted
“the pnomtising young actress, 2009
27. Every mi nute counts.


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