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上传人:蓝天 2021/8/26 文件大小:87 KB





文档介绍:五年级选择题专项练****br/>姓名 分数
()1. May I speak Lily?
A. on B. to C. for
( )2. Jack, it's you.
A. for B. to C. up
()3.. Please hold .
A. in B. on C. up
( )4. Would you like to go and see Uncle Sam me?
A. with B. to C. for
( )5. Could I take a message you?
A. with B. for C. to
( )6. Tom, can you me a story?
A. tell B. talk C. say
()7. What would you like supper?
A. t) B. of C. f)r
( )8. My father is a docto匚 He in a hospital..
A. w)rk B. works C. b vorking
( )9. Mr. Green is my friend.
A. father's B. fithers C. fither
( ) 10. Those are BilFs shoes. They're .
A. her B. his C. him
( ) 11. This is computer and that is air conditioner.
A. 4 ai B. 4 a C. ai, ai
( ) 12. Where your mother work? She in a bank.
A. do, works B. docs, vork C. does, works
()13. What's the matter you?
A. vith B. i)out C. f)r
( ) 14. Tom and I going to a tennis match this evening.
A. an, TOtch B. \^atch C. are, bok
( ) 15. Ifs seven o'clock. It's time go to school.
A. fir B. wth C. t)
()K. May I watch TV? OK.
A. Turn on ti B. Turn i on. C. Turn of he TV.
( )17. are you going to do this Sunday?
A. \4iat B. who C. where
()18. It's time to .
A. school B. go to school C. going to school ()19. When you have breakfast?
A. B. do C. does
()20. Mr. White is good friend of .
A. ny B. I C. mine
五年级选择题专项练****br/>姓名 分数
()21. Could you please the light?
A. Urn of B. dose C. hut ()
()22. Today is