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文档介绍:河南理工大学学报( 社会科学版),第8卷,第1期, 2007 年1月 Journal of Henan Polytechnic University (Social Sciences), , , 海山闻说风能引, 也在虚无缥缈间———从《影梅庵忆语》《浮生六记》看士人情爱观刘坡( 吉林大学文学院, 吉林长春 130012) 摘要: 明末清初冒襄的《影梅庵忆语》、清中期沈复的《浮生六记》作为明清自传体笔记, 自问世以来便因其中深蕴的夫妻缱绻深情而备受推崇。本文以《影梅庵忆语》《浮生六记》的文本为根据, 以人文状况为背景, 通过对文中沈复和陈芸、冒襄和董小宛的婚姻生活, 以及士人重情与薄情背后原因的分析, 试图以小见大, 借芸芸众生的一隅看士人情爱观。关键词: 重情; 薄情; 无她教; 无我教; 妻性中图分类号:I 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9779 (2007) 01-0082-06 The Literators ’ Love Notion Reflected from Memories for Yingmei An and Six Chapters ofa Floating Life LIU Po (School ofHumanities, Jilin University, Jilin130012, China) Abstract:Mao Xiang wrote The Memories for Yingmei An in the turning time of the Ming and Qing Dynasty, Shen Fu did Six Chapters ofa Floating Life in the middle of Qing Dynasty. The two books were praised highly since they had been produced, because of the deep love between couples. On the base of the books as Memoirs for Yingmei An and Six Chapters ofa Floating Life, this paper analysed the love notion of the literators from the married life of Shen Fu and Chen Yun, Mao Xiang and Dong Xiaowan. As a result, we can learn the deep reasons of the literators ’ attitude towards the love . Key Word:faithful for love; unfaithful for love; ignore of the female; self-sacrifice of the female; wifelism 士人的情爱观到底如何? 这一问题的关键在于他们对待与之发生感情的对象———女子———的态度。而士人又究竟视女子为何物? 讨论的主体是古时的人物, 古人自己的话当最为确实。李渔在《闲情偶寄· 声容部&#183****技第