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《The Vampire Diary》短语总结.doc

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《The Vampire Diary》短语总结.doc

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《The Vampire Diary》短语总结.doc



文档介绍:《 The Vampire Diary 》短语总结( 1) hear that crap 到现场 nicely done 说得好听 coin a phrase 找个男人(约会) kick his ass 教训他 chill yourself 冷静 it's a long story 说来话长 happen to be 偶然 make me foggy 让我害怕 no worries 别担心 put on 假装 i'm cool with it 我不在乎 hook up 约会 never mind 无所谓 chic-chat 海聊 let's just cut to the chase 直入正题 go straight to 直接 be a big part of it 占很大一部分 you're a dick 你很无聊 look forward to 急切 i find that pretty easy 我早就发现了 no excause 不要找借口 The Vampire Diary 》短语总结( 2) you deserve that 你自作自受 dick move 反应慢 knock it off 算了吧 drive sb crazy 让 sb 崩溃 trust is earned 信任是相互的 i got hold up 我有事耽误了 make it count 珍惜 i'm miserable 我很迷茫 fess up 坦白 dump sb 甩了默认 i mean it 我说真的 live a little 打起精神 so loyal 真仗义 none of this matters to me 对我来说无关紧要 love really did conquer all 爱能战胜一切 whatever 无所谓 i don't mean to be 我不是故意的 cut the crap 废话少说 you're off base 你大错特错 i'm stump 我败给你了 just chilling 冷笑话 bring it on 放马来吧 i'm not take the bait 我不吃那一套 you're so easy 你真好骗 right back at you 你也一样 shove over 挪过去一点 you big silly 你这个大傻瓜 lame guy move 懦夫行为《 The Vampire Diary 》短语总结( 3) back off from 离开 cold case 悬案 a rich history 历史悠久 i'm impressed 我想起来了 on and off 差不多 don't you dare do it 你敢做某事(试试) get off 下班 go to hell 去死吧 it's not a big deal 没什么大不了的 what's the hell 怎么回事 busboy 打杂的 i copped a plea 我将功补过 tomorrow or something 改天 i'll see you around 再见 what's your angle 你的目的是什么 you apply all of your ings to everybody else 你以为别人跟你有一样