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上传人:薄荷牛奶 2021/8/26 文件大小:14 KB





文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 2 页
Panda is a lovely animial. It has just two colors all around the body, black and white. Most pandas live in sourthern china, sichuan province. They like eating bamboo, the main food for them.
As we know, last year, we have sended two pandas to Taiwan. They are names Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, meaningful name. We also hope Taiwan can come back home soon, would be together with its motherland.
Nowadays, the balance of nuture is destroyed and the weather is getting warmer and warmer, so we need to do something to protect these animals. Otherwise one day we cant see pandas any more.
Panda is our country’s treasure,we should protect ,we see from the TV that panda is less than before,it is not only because of the damage of the environment,but also the weakness of the loves panda,it is so lovely,a panda has two black eyes,it is very lazy,it likes sleeping all the we see its round body shape,we can’t help loving order to see the lovely animal,we need to protect must protect the environment,like not to throw the rubbish away,not to cut down the condemn such behavior that killing the the animals is everybody’s job.
第2页 /总页数 2


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