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文档介绍:Classified Index: CODE: 10075 .: NO: 20100227 A Dissertation for the Degree of Legal analysis of Yao's case. Candidate: Wu LinLin Supervisor: Song WeiWei Academic De gree Applied for: Juris Master Specialty Juris Master University: Hebei University Date of Oral Exam ination: June ,2013 摘要 I 摘 要 开车撞死行人,不但不施救,反而六刀刺死伤者。一个外表温和、安静内向,高等音乐学院的大学生,为何成为暴力的杀手。他是谁?他就是药家鑫,他为何对生命如此冷漠?这位年近二十一岁来自西安音乐学院的大三学生, 因惧怕农村人难缠而将一件普通的交通肇事案件演变为故意杀人案。2011年1月8日,陕西省西安市人民检察院以故意杀人罪对药家鑫提起公诉;同年3月23日上午,西安市中级人民法院开庭审理此案,西安市四所高校近400余名大学生以及药家鑫及张妙家属40余人参与旁听。庭审中,药家鑫痛哭流涕,向法官递交了悔过书并当庭向张妙的家属下跪表示忏悔请求原谅。控辩双方就争议和焦点问题展开辩论。经审判,西安市中级人民法院认为药家鑫杀害张妙的行为已构成故意杀人罪,判处药家鑫死刑。其后,药家鑫又向陕西省高级人民法院提起上诉,陕高院经审理驳回上诉,维持原判。 自药家鑫案件发生以来, 舆论媒体就铺天盖地的报道这件“从撞人到杀人”的案件, 公众也迅速将目光聚焦到这位年近二十多岁的大学生身上。药家鑫案件为什么会引起社会的广泛关注和热议?究其原因,在于:一是药家鑫是否应该判死刑,即药家鑫案中的死刑适用问题,二是庭审过程中民意对药家鑫案件判决的影响,即民意与刑事司法之间的关系。本文以药家鑫案件为典型案例,第一章对案情进行回顾,介绍庭审控辩的焦点;第二章对药家鑫案进行死刑适用分析,重点分析案件的争议焦点;第三章透过药家鑫案中民意对审判的影响,分析民意与刑事司法之间的关系;第四章为本案例的研究结论。 关键词: 故意杀人罪 刑事司法 民意 Abstract II Abstract Car hit a pedestrian, not only did not rescue the injured, but six knife. The appearance of a gentle, quiet and introverted, higher institute of music stude nts, why to e violent. Who is he? He is Yao, why he was so indifferen t to life? Xi'an Conservatory of Music junior Yao driving people and will be stabbed to death case, March 23, 2011 morning in Xi'an Intermediate People's court, procuratorate of Xi 'an to Yao suspected to prosecute the crime of intentional homicide. In Apr il 22nd, Xi'an Intermediate People's court verdict, the death penalty, after the Shaanxi Pr ovincial Higher People's Court on the defendant Yao Jiaxin murder case for second instance open trial and sentencing, legal ruling rejected the appeal, upheld the. Since Yao's case, the media's coverage of this "from the hit to kill" case, the public will also prompt attention to this year nearly more than 20 years of College students. Broad attention and hot Yao Jiaxin