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上传人:书生教育 2021/8/27 文件大小:68 KB





文档介绍:一.情态动词 should 的用法
can (could), may (might), shall (should), will (would) , need must , ought to I must clean my bedroom before my mom goes back.
They can help you but they couldn ’tdo that.
You should keep your promise to learn English every day.
Should 做情态动词
Should 做情态动词,意思是应该、应当。常用来表示建议、劝告或命令。
I think you should lie down and rest.
What should i do
You shouldn ’teat so much next time.
Young people should learn how to use computers.
Should 的四种句型:肯定句、否定句、疑问句、特殊疑问句。
He should drink much water.
You shouldn ’teat anything bad.
Should i pay the taxi fare( 计程车费)
What should i do
Should 的其他用法
(1)委婉的表述自己的意见。 I should think you are right.
(2)表示情绪:如惊奇,赞叹,忧虑,委婉,欢喜。 It ’s unusual that it should be so hot.
表示推测:可能,应该。 They should be home by now.
we go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow
2. You should ____ more water when you have a fever. A. drinks
can’t sleep, so I _____ listen to quiet music, and I ______ listen to exciting music.
A. should; should B. shouldn ’ t; shouldn ’t
C. should; shouldn ’ t D. can; don’ t
____ a stomachache. So he ____ eat anything 24 hours.
A. has, should B. has , shouldn’ t C. have, shouldn’ t D. had, shouldn ’t
have a sore throat. What should I d o
You should drink hot tea _______honey.
A. of B. in C. with D. Abo


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