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上传人:小雄 2021/8/29 文件大小:89 KB





随着近年来我国现有的水泥混凝土路面有相当一部分 已接近或超过设计年限,水泥混凝土路面最严重的病害 路面板的断板直至破碎,而这种情况往往是由于板下脱 空所引起的。对此板下灌浆技术是很有效的解决办法, 它通过对水泥混凝土路面板下灌注水泥浆液、水泥粉煤 灰浆液、水泥砂浆,充实板底脱空空隙,达到稳定水泥混 凝土板块的目的,改善路面通车状况的方法。水泥混凝 土路面在我国已有多年的使用历史,是我国公路路面主 要形式之一,在我国公路网构成中占有较大比重。它具 有强度高、刚度大、受温度影响小、使用寿命长等优点。 但水泥混凝土路面接缝较多,对超载较为敏感,易发生 脱空、唧泥、裂缝等先期病害,从而导致路面的破损。 如何治理与预防脱空、唧泥等病害,搞好水泥混凝土路 面的养护,延长公路的使用寿命,改善其通行能力,具 有十分重要的意义。
As the existing cement concrete pavement in our country in recent years there are quite a number of close to or exceed the design period, road slab of cement concrete pavement is the most serious disease so unti1 broken, and this kind of si tuation i s of ten caused by concrete pavement under plate.
Under this plate grouting technology is a very effective solution, i t through to the cement concrete pavement plate under perfusion cement, fly ash cement slurry and cement mortar, enrich the bottom concrete pavement void, achieve the purpose of stable cement concrete plates, way to improve road traffic condi t ions. The use of cement concrete pavement in our country for many years of history, is one of highway pavement ma in f orm in our country, occupies a larger proportion of the constituents of the highway network in our country. 11 has high strength, stiffness, less affected by temperature and long service life, etc.
But the cement concrete pavement joint is more, the overload is relatively sensitive, prone to
such as advanced
pavement, pumping mud, cracks, disease, resulting in the breakage of the pavement.
How to treatment and prevention of concrete improve the quality of cement concrete pavement maintenance, prolong the service life of highway, to improve the traffic capacity, has the very vital significance.
pumping mud and other diseases,
A, the grouting reinforcement mechanism
灌浆法是指利用液压、气压或电化学原理,通过注 浆把浆液均匀地注入地层中,浆液以填充,渗透和挤密 等方式,赶走土颗粒间或岩石裂隙中的水分和空气后占 据其位置,经一定时间后,浆液将原来松散的土粒或裂 隙胶结成一个整体,形成一个结构新、强度高、防水性 能好和化学稳定性良好的“结石体。
Grouting method i s ref ers t


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