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上传人:bodkd 2021/8/30 文件大小:19 KB





文档介绍:7B Unit 7 Topic 2
Can you play the guitar? Section A
颍东区新乌江镇乌江中心学校: aims and demands.
and grasp the words can and can’t,the words and phrases about after school activities.
to use English to talk about Ss to acquire communication.
the Ss understand that one’s talents are important in the life
focus and difficulties.
can and can’t to talk about abilities.
the words and phrases about some talent activities.
-based Teaching
1. Sing a song “Row your boat”(show the flash on the Ss to sing together)
2. Introdure myself to the class(show my IDcard on the screen)Then ask two Ss to talk about themselves.
Step 2,Presentation.
Tell today we’ll learn Topic of Unit 7,SectionA Can you play the guitar?Then showsome pictures on Ss to review some verb phrases such as play basketball,play volleyball,fly a also learn some new words and phrases,skate,play the guitar,dance the disco,perform the same time,we’ll talk about about them using can and can’t.
Step ,read and say.
What can Jane and Maria do at Kangkang;s birthday party?Let’s listen to 1a carefully and check the the tape for Ss to listen and check the get three Ss to give their answers.


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