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文档介绍:find the area ofa square or oblong,you merely multiply its length by its width. 将长乘以宽就可以得到这个长方形的面积。 suggests that matter can be converted into energy. 这就是说物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以转化为物质。 chemistry is still in its infancy. 量子化学仍处于发展初期。 the protective environment is no insurance against death from lack of oxygen. 即使有防护措施,也不能保证不发生因缺氧而死亡的情况。 any amchine, input work equals output work plus work done against friction. 任何机器的输入功都等于输出功加上客服摩擦所做的功。 are generally more destructive of life than volcanic eruptions. 地震通常比火山爆发更具有杀伤力。 should be applied slowly to avoid localized overheating. 应慢慢加热以避免出现局部过热现象。 rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen or air. 燃料燃烧的速度取决于它与氧气或空气的混合程度。 mutation is of great importance in breeding new varieties. 在新品种培育方面,基因突变是非常重要的。 can act directly on the brain to change aspects of mental activity. 肽能够直接作用于大脑,改变各种脑力活动。 language allows a concise expression of arithmetic and logic processes. 这种语言能简要地表达算术和逻辑过程。 -Chemmerce, now offers two main levels of online business intelligence on chemical,platic and energy merce. 《电子化工商务》目前主要提供两个层次的有关化学、塑料和能源电子商务的在线商务信息服务。 images tend to exaggerate the robet ’s similarity to human anatomy and behavior. 这些概念常常夸大了机器人与人类在形体和行为方面的相似之处。 some materials are not demaged easily as others,the possibility exists of dev