Proposal for BA Thesis
: A Study on the Differences of Topics and Subjects in English and Chinese
II. Introduction
Chinese grammar system, in one sense, is basically an imitation of western grammar systems. But when we put into pratice , many Chinese grammarians have found that the rules of the westernized languages do not hold water. Therefore, many disputes and controversies have arisen,especially the differences of Topics and Subjects in English and Chinese . It is necessary to combine the traditional research on Chinese grammar with the contemporary western theory of grammar, so that it can help our Chinese grammar research joint the mainstream of Linguistics worldwide and bring the two way together---try to find the universal grammar. We believe that, the process in conformity is not always Smooth and pleasant, but the results are supposed to benefit China and the world finally .
III. Literature Review
Subject and topic as two basic concepts in modern Linguistics , their relationship is considered as the crucial research project and heated topic in Linguistics.
1, Subject is originated form the western grammar systems . In general linguistics , many scholars are trying to give a current concept to subject . According to the research on all kinds of languages around the world , Keenan(1976) summerized the grammati