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文档介绍:税务机关内部测试宁夏永威炭业有限责任公司企业并购内控评估内容 Assessment content 回答(是/否/ 不适用或单选) Answer ( yes / no/ not applicable or single selection ) 金额 Amount of money 企业是否存在并购相关的基本内部控制, 包括但不限于 Is there the basic internal control related to merger and acquisition pany? including but not limited to: 1、不相容职务分离制度 patible duties separation system 不适用 N. A. 2、并购交易前期准备及其控制 prophase preparation and control of mergers and acquisitions 不适用 N. A. 3、审慎性调査及其控制 Careful investigation and control 不适用 N. A. 4、并购交易财务控制 The financial control of mergers and acquisitions 不适用 N. A. 5 、上述内控是否已经过审计或评估?A 、既有第三方审计也有内部评估 B 、有第三方审计 C、有内部评估 D、无 Have the above - mentioned items of the internal control been auditted and evaluated? A. Both third party audit and internal assessment; B. the third party audit; internal assessment D. None 不适用 N. A. 企业并购是否存在相关的税务内部控制 Is there the internal control of tax relating to the mergers and acquisitions pany? 6、企业是否已制定并购相关的税务内部控制程序? Has pany set upa tax internal control procedure related to mergers and acquisitions? 不适用 N. A. 7、参与制定并购方案的部门或人员?A、企业税务部门人员、资金管理控制人员及公司决策层 B、资金管理控制人员及公司决策层 C、公司决策层 D、其他 The departments and personnel involved for the formulation and modification of mergers and acquisitions policy include: A, personnel pany tax department, capital management and control personnel pany decision - makers; B, capital management and control personnel pany decision - makers; C, company dec