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文档介绍:第5章合同的签订(合同更详细) 教学重点: Focus :1. Making out contracts 2. Business contract translation 教学难点: 商务合同的翻译 Difficult ies : Business contract translation 教学内容: Contents: 1. Export sales letter 2. Making out export contract 3. Translating business contract 1. Export sales letter After business negotiation through correspondence and conclusion of the deal, the exporter will usually make out export trade contract or sales confirmation according to terms and conditions agreed by two parties. W hen the exporter sends the contract or sales confirmation to the importer to sign for confirmation, they will attach a signed letter in order to tell the buyer that the contract has been sent out and hope their duly countersigned contract. S igned letter also called export sales letter, refers to the attachment letter to the export contract or sales confirmation which is sent by the exporter to the importer. The aim of this letter is to inform the importer about the contract. Specimen D ear Sirs ,R e: Contract No. 0503189 We are enclosing here with the captioned contract in two originals, of please return one copy tous duly countersigned for our records. P lease instruct your banker to issue the letter of credit as early as possible in order that we may process with the goods immediately. We thank you for your kind cooperation. Y ours very truly ××× Reply D ear Sirs, Contract We thank you for your above contract for … We return herewith one copy duly signed to you for your files. We assure you ofour best attention. Y ours truly ××× 2. Making out export contract The kinds of the panies in China generally adopt “ Contract ” and “ Sales Confirmation ”, both of them have the same legal effect. ( 1) Sales Confirmation It isa kind of short form contract and the content of sales confirmation is simpler than that of contract. It is suitable for small amount of export. M ost of the panies all have their own fixed format sales confirmation.


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