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上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2021/9/10 文件大小:714 KB





文档介绍:Interpretation of the Carnivalesque in Salman
Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children


A Thesis Submitted to
the Graduate School of Henan University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Master of Arts

Zhang Jie
Supervisor: Prof. Guan Hefeng
April, 2014
My deepest thankfulness and appreciation shall be extended to my supervisor Professor
Guan Hefeng for her scholastic discipline, inspiring guidance, enlightening instruction,
invaluable suggestions and constructive criticism in my thesis writing. It is her assiduous
instruction and bounty guidance that have enabled me to successfully germinate the final
version of my thesis.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to Professor Wang Baotong, Professor Gao Jihai,
Professor Xue Yufeng, Professor Jiao Xiaoting, Professor Zhang Yuhong and Professor Zhang
Jinghui, for their enlightening lectures, academic guidance and insightful instruction in my
graduate study. Professor Gao Jihai’s instructive lecture on narratology has expanded my
understanding of literature. Professor Wang Baotong’s lithe and graceful English
pronunciation has stimulated my interest in poetry. Professor Zhang Jinghui’s student-friendly
lectures also leave me a deep impression.
To Liu Huan I owe particular recognition for her gifts of time, insight, collegiality and
friendship. My thanks also go to my friends, Zhang Liping, Song Meilun, Ni Libin, Niu
Qingqing and my boyfriend Wang Ruoyang for their selfless help during the process of my
thesis writing. My special gratitude goes to my roommates, Li Jingwen, Niu Huijuan and
Fang Mengdi for their generous accom


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