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文档介绍:Origins of the English Nation
Centuries ago Britain was part of the European continent. Geologic forces caused it to separate and it became an island.
With limited space ,we just take the Celts as the natives
The Native Celts
Celts began to arrive in 700 .
Celts may have originated in eastern and central Europe, including France, Belgium, S. Germany.
Celts are possibly ancestors of the Highland Scots
Celt had no written language, the language is the basis of Welsh and Gaelic
Celt religion was Druidism, rituals were performed.
Stonehenge, an arrangement of stone monoliths, is a surviving example of their civilization, the purpose of Stonehenge is unknown.
The Stonehenge
Romans, led by Julius Caesar, first invaded England in 55 . They were unsuccessful
Second invasion a year later, same results.
Invasions by Caesar mark the beginning of English recorded history because Caesar kept a diary of what he did and saw.
Third invasion in 43 ., led by Emperor Claudius, was successful
Hadrian’s wall and Antoine Wall are built to prevent the Picts of Scotland from invading England. Picts = Pictures, because they painted their faces (film, “Braveheart” is as example)
Hadrian’s wall and Antoine Wall are built to prevent the Picts of Scotland from invading England.
The Hadrian’s wall