文档介绍:听 课 记 录 及 评 议
黄 岩
英 语
Unit 8 First Aid —Warming Up and Speaking
Step Ⅰ: Lead-in
Learn some new words.
Learn Wise Words.
Step Ⅱ:Learn something about first aid
1. Presentation—Show some pictures and make a brief introduction about the first aid.
What is first aid?
How to deal with animal bites?
How to deal with burns?
How to deal with cuts?
Step Ⅲ:The part of Warming Up
Lead in—Do you know what dangers may happen in our daily life?
Presentation—Show some pictures and ask 2 questions.
What can we do in the above situations? (Response to accidents)
How can we prevent these accidents? (Prevention of accidents)
Practice—Give the students 2 minutes to think about the questions according to the pictures.
Step Ⅳ: Talk about the accidents in the pictures
Presentation—Show some pictures and ask some questions.
What can we do if someone is drowning? How to prevent drowning?
What can we do if someone is hurt in a traffic accident? How to prevent hurting in a traffic accident?
What can we do if someone is burned in a fire? How to prevent burning in a fire?
1. 学生能熟悉新单词,为之后的学习部分做铺垫。
2. 有趣的图片和介绍引起了学生的注意,教师与学生的问答也激起学生的兴趣。
3. 老师注意活跃课堂气氛,积极提问学生,学生在自我完成任务的时候,老师一直能适时做出指导和评价。
4. 课程安排紧凑,老师语速较快,衔接较自然,没有太明显的突兀。
5. 由于部分学生基础较差,学生不能完全理解老师的指令。老师能给予启发,学生回答完后,老师让全班同学为他人或为自己鼓掌,给与鼓励和自我肯定。如:Do a good job.
6. 整节课的小组活