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文档介绍:Accepted contract amount Addendum to tender documents Adjudication Adjudicator Advanced payment Alternative dispute resolution Amicable settlement Appendix to tender Arbitration Arbitrator Base date Bid and bidder Bid - build Bill of quantities Build - operate - train - transfer (BOTT) Build - operate - transfer (BOT) Build - own - operate - transfer (BOOT) mencement date Concessionaire Concession period Conciliation Conciliator Conditions of contract Consortium Consultancy agreement Consultant Contract or contract documents Contract agreement Contract price Contractor Contractor ’s documents Contractor's equipment Contractor's personnel Contractor's proposal Cost Country Defects notification period Design - build Design - build - finance - operate (DBFO) Dispute adjudication board or DAB Dispute review board (DRB) Drawings Effective date Employer Employer's equipment Engineer Engineer, procure & construct contract (EPC) Final statement Force majeure Foreign currency Goods ICC Instruction to tenderers Joint venture Letter of acceptance Letter of invitation Letter of tender Local currency Lump sum contract Materials Mediation Nominated subcontractor Open tendering Party Payment certificate Performance certificate Performance security Permanent works Plant Post - qualification Prequalification Privately finnanced infrasatructure project Privatisation Programme Proposal Provisioned sum Remeasurement contract Representative Repair - operate - transfer (ROT) Retention money Schedules Section Services Site Specification Statement Subcontractor Taking - Over Certificate Temporary works Tender Tender documents Tender dossier Tenderer Tender period Tender sum Tender validity Terms of reference Tests pletion Tests pletion Time pletion Turnkey Turnkey project UNCITRAL Value engineering Variation Works World Bank 南车集团稿件词汇 Finish Rev. Clause XXX of the Particular Specification Air - conditioning unit Power system Wiring assembly General Approval partment AGC sensor Particular Sp


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