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上传人:xnzct26 2021/9/15 文件大小:297 KB





文档介绍:.. -
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Part 1
Work or study
Do you work or are you a student?
What subject(s) are you studying?
Why did you choose to study that subject?
(For high school) Why did you choose those subjects?
Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country?
Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason?
What are the most popular subjects (= university degree courses = majors) in China?
Did your family help you choose that course?
What school (or university) do you go to?
Why did you choose that university (or, school)?
Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university?
How do you like your subject?
What do you like about your subject?
Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? (Why?)
(For university students) What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at university?
(For high school students) What's your favourite subject at school?
Is your subject interesting? (Why? / Why not?)
Do you think it's important to choose a subject you are interested in? (Why?)
What's the most interesting part of your subject?
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(For high school) What's the most interesting of your subjects at school?
What are your future work plans? (after you graduate)
Do you think what you are studying now will be very useful (or, relevant or, important) for this type of work?
How will you (or, how do you plan to) get the job you want?
Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work?
Why are you taking the IELTS test?
In addition