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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/17 文件大小:455 KB





文档介绍:promotion of empl oyment, form a rea sonable a nd orderly pattern of i ncome distri buti on, bui ld a more fair a nd sustai nable social se curity systems, medi cal and health system reform. T he pl enar y, innovati on of soci al governance, must focus on the mainte nance of fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the people, maximize fact ors, e nha nce social development, impr oving soci al governance, the i nterests of national se curit y, e nsure t hat the people live a nd w ork, soci al stabil ity and orde r. o improve social gover nance, stimulati ng social organizati on, innovative and effective system of preventing and resolvi ng social conflicts, impr oving t he publi c security system, set up the National Security Council , national security systems and nati onal se curity strategy to e nsur e national security. Plenary sessi on, the construction of ecologi cal civ ilization, you must esta blish systems of ecol ogical system, using the system to protect t he ecologi cal environme nt. o improve natural
resour ces asset property right system a nd use control, red li ne of delimitation of e col ogical protecti on, re sources paid use system a nd ecol ogical compensati on sy stem in ecologi cal envir onme nt prote ction management sy stem reform. Plenary session, ce ntering on building a liste ning party comma nd, can wi n and havi ng a fine style of the


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