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英语演讲 塑基科技改变未来生活.ppt

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英语演讲 塑基科技改变未来生活.ppt

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英语演讲 塑基科技改变未来生活.ppt


文档介绍:In the near future ? Thin, bendable, organic screens of sci- fi movies are almost here 。? Plastics-based Technology Will Change our Future Life ?科幻电影中的超薄而且可弯曲的有机屏幕即将走入我们的生活。?塑基科技改变未来生活。? In the movie “ Minority Report, ” director Steven Spielberg painted the future as a place where no surface was still. Newspapers updated in readers Newspapers updated in readers ’’ hands and advertisements hands and advertisements talked to passerby. talked to passerby. Even cereal boxes were animated 。?在电影《少数派报告》中,导演斯皮尔伯格描绘了一个没有沉寂表面的未来世界。报纸在读者手里自动更新,广告与路人交谈。甚至储粮箱都是鲜活的。? Now, these technologies are finally arriving, albeit in a piecemeal fashion. One of the driving forces: breakthroughs in plastics-based electronics 。?尽管是缓慢发展,但如今这些技术终于走进我们的生活。推动力之一是塑基电子技术的突破。? Such gadgets and displays offer several potential advantages over silicon-based electronics – chief among them, they can be manufactured by a cheaper and less energy-intensive process, they ’ re potentially more energy efficient, and they can bend they can bend 。?这些配件和显示器比当下主流的硅基电子技术更有若干潜在的优势。它们的制造过程更加廉价, 所需能源更少。它们具有更大的潜在节能性,并且可以弯曲。? Recently, Sony introduced the first OLED TV in the United States. It ’ s 11 inches wide and only 3 millimeters thick. ?最近,索尼公司在美国推出了第一台有机发光二极管电视机。它有 11 英寸宽,仅有 3毫米厚。? As the technology catches on over the next several years and prices begin to fall, some some experts imagine a generation of experts imagine a generation of huge ultra high-definition huge ultra high-definition televisions that roll up after use. televisions that roll up after use. Thin plastic sheets on office walls may do double duty as monitors. OLED wallpaper could OLED wallpaper could light a room light a room 。。?随着未来几年该技术的逐渐普及, 价格逐渐下降,一些专家设想出新一代使用后可以卷起来的巨型超高清电视机。办公室墙上的塑料薄片可作为监视器承担双重用途。有机发光二极管的壁纸可为房间照明。?? They They ’’ ll be thin ll be thin , eventually more efficient than pact fluorescents (without the mercury, too) , and can either and can either be mounted or printed onto be


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