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上传人:cnanjringh 2021/9/18 文件大小:1.05 MB





摘 要
The design includes the cooling and heating source for air-conditioning system and automation system of a complex building in Qingdao. The gross floor area is about 127600m2, There arc nineteen floors and one floor underground. The cold duty is 2467kW and the hot duty is 4800 KW . TO: choose 3screw water-cooled refrigeration unit,and the models YKAAAAP45CJF. Their maximal burning of natural gas arc 1230kW. this design uses two water-cooled refrigeration unit as cold and heat source, the summer and 7 / 12 ℃ cooling water; winter months when the plate heat exchanger unit for providing 50/60 ℃ hot water air conditioning systems. 50℃ bathing water is provided directly by three vacuum hot water units around the whole year. In order to raise the watcrpowcr stability, making the even distribution of volume of flow, the system uses Make-up water pump to supply water and the pressure was second part of the project is automation system design for the substation. The automation system adopts the advanced variable flow technologies. The flow rate will be changed according to the summer cooling load and parameters of supply and return water. In winter, the flow rate will be changed according to the heat load and parameters of supply and return water. They use fuzzy control theories. The automation design still includes other usual functions such as scanning, alarming and controlling for the system. the air-condition room as well as refrigerator house drawing. The design


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