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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/18 文件大小:1.36 MB





文档介绍:Manipulator i s now used a s a industria l robots in use , the control obje ctives often appear often i n industrial automati on. Industrial automati on technology has gradually mature d, as mat ure a technology li ne ha s be en ra pid development i n industrial automation as a separate subject. Ma nipulator appli cation bega n to filter int o welding, l ogistics, mechani cal processi ng, a nd ot her i ndustries. E spe cially at high or very low tem peratures, full of poisonous gases, high radiati on case, robot in similar cir cumstances showed great use a lso bring s great conveni ence to the staff. Precisely be cause of this robot to get people's attenti on began t o be a high degree of devel opment. La bor rates, working conditi ons, labor inte nsive a spe cts of promoti ng devel opme nt. Both at home a nd abroa d to develop the PLC (programmable l ogic controller) is i n various special cir cumstances a nd under spe cial conditions set for mechani cal devi ces. Now tur ned on the devel opme nt of the mi croele ctronics automati c control
technology a nd t he rapi d devel opme nt of the trains, the success of PLC har dware software and simulation control win big and succe ssful development, now conti nue s to develop as a factory a utomation standards. Beca use robots are g ood devel opme nt of the technology makes a g ood optimizati on of productive ca pital, and robot s hows t his uni que a dvantages, such as: has g ood com patibi lity, wi de availa bility, hardwar e is complete, a nd programming that can be mastered in a short time, so i n the context of industrial PLC applications be came ubiquitous. Ma nipulator i n many devel ope d c ountry agriculture a nd i ndustry has bee n applied, such as t he use of mechani cal harve sting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed l ine that use s a robotic arm, a nd so on. Toda y, the high level of automation combi ned wit h restricti ons on t he mani pulator devel opment level i s slightly low