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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/18 文件大小:172 KB





文档介绍:out city created, a nd care masse s life, focus work , in-de pth i nvestigation, more out boutique master piece, makes we of research re sults m ore to int o led of deci sion visi on, mor e to in national some has effect of newspaper Sha ng published, for advance w ork, and publi city chang de play due of role. Third, i nformation submitted to be pragmat ic. Quick a nd timely. The ancients said: for the time system; statement ba ck for the time being, not hing. T herefore, t he submission of information to do "four", that is, find t he pr oblem faster, e ditorial writing, send and read faster approval a nd fee dba ck to impleme nt quickly. To be tr ue and accurate. True mainly reflect t he full picture of events, one is one, tw o, this i s the life of the information. Accura cy is primar ily qualitative and quantitative questions, qua ntitative objective of publicQualitative logi c. To be rel iable a nd useful. We submit i nformation to have access t o de cisi on -making, t o guide and prom ote the w ork and solve pra ctical probl ems. Mixed cum. On t he negative information and emergency information, rapi d escalation in stri ct accordance with t he pr oce dures, firm, newspape r, newspapers, never late, fail t o report,
false claim and skimming. Investee 2. supervisi on a nd insist on, around and prote cting their interests t o touch the truth, seek pra ctical results. A dhere to pe opl e-oriente d, the most important t hing is t o realize, safeg uard a nd develop the fundame ntal interests of the overw helming majority of the people. We carry out inspe ction, so must go de ep among the masses, go dee p into t he realities, a lways pay attenti on to t he pe ople' s liveli hood, to grasp the public sentiment, a nd e arnestly safeg uard the be nefit, addre ssing t he masse s are most concerned a bout a nd refle cting the strongest i ssues, efforts to solve the problem of de cisi ons im plemented and not impl emented. One is to sti ck to pri nci ples. Right of insp