摘 要:
当今世界是一个竞争的世界 ,企业为了本身的生存和开展 ,必须不断提高竞争力和核心竞争力。人力资源是一切资源中最重要的资源 ,有效发挥人力资源在核心竞争力中的重要作用 ,制定人力资源竞争的对策 ,关于提高企业核心竞争力具有重要意义。企业要想在剧烈的竞争中持续、健康地开展,必须降低本钱,提高治理效能,必须有一套本人的人的治理方法,企业第一资源要素是人力资源,是产生核心竞争力的关键,改良和提高企业人力资源治理的职能及层次、,。人力资源治理在企业核心竞争力中所起的重要作用,怎么样能提高企业核心竞争力。
Abstract: The world economics to the globalization, the integrated development, the various countries’ economy are seeping mutually, affect mutually. The market is fast changing, enterprise’s competition is day by day intense. The enterprise needs to want in the keen competition to develop continually, healthily, must reduce the cost, enhances the management potency, prominent enterprise by don’t in other enterprise’s core competitive ability. The core competitive power was in an organization interior after the conformity knowledge and the technology, the coordination many kinds of productive skill and the conformity different technology knowledge and ability, was the enterprise interior resources essential factor and the external environment condition effective union. The enterprise first resources essential factor is the human resources, has the core competitive power key, improves and enhances the enterprise human resources management the function and the level, optimization human resources ability is