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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/19 文件大小:369 KB





文档介绍:confere nces, learne d superi ors policie s; reports, you ca n learn t o deal wit h problems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. To continuously expa nd the scope of the study. T he complexity and comprehensive ness of our w ork, deci ded to not only do we want to be "professionals", or if "gen eralists", to dabble i n different areas of knowle dge. Mastery of knowle dge not only t o have knowle dge to rational analysis. T his on requirements w e, not only to le arning national of route , and approach, a nd policy, also to lear ning national of legal, and regulati ons; not only to wit h political t heory armed mind, al so to wit h economic the ory gui de work ; not only to rea d hist ory, al so t o rea d hist ory; not only to a bsorpti on SM of mirror, also t o gets is of roa d; not only t o from local lear n, also to to outsi de learn; not only to t o books lear n, also to field st udy lear n. Therefore, I would e ncourage you, and more to the out side w orld w hen I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside devel opme nts, learn other people's development a pproach, and the n come back
to guide our w ork. Second, we must t hink. "Learni ng without thought to overshadow, thinki ng without learni ng is perilous." We w ant to foster the chara cter of adva nci ng with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves i n ada pting to the new situation on whet her there are delays, have anyt hing to fear in the reform and i nnovati on, w hether in terms of accelerating t he devel opme nt of a relaxation, kee p promising State of mind. In order to do inve stigations, investigations i s the roa d to heave n, G od dispose s of the ba se. To want s to real hear d truth, a nd justi ce to trut h, and get truth, r eceived effective ness, on m ust in -de pth a ctual, a nd outreach, a nd in-depth ma sses, w orship masses for Divisi on, a nd masses heart, with masses with discussion everyone care of problem, listeni ng they of calls, understand they


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