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上传人:lily8501 2021/9/20 文件大小:18 KB




文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 4 页

a good thing is known when it is
a man does not live only by
a pet lamp makes a cross
an ill life, an ill
as busy as a
as you make your bed,you must lie on
bend the willow while it is still ,育人要趁小
broaden one's scope of knowledge and widen one's
different strokes for different
do not throw the baby away with the bath
each follows his own
early birds catch
第2页 /总页数 4 页
east, west ,home is the
every man has his
every man has his liking.
every one has his
every rose has its
everyone is
forgetting history means
good things stay indoors while bed things will go far ,坏事传千里
gossip is a fearing
great thieves hang little
happiness lies in having many
health is better than
horse for 。
ill news travels
第3页 /总页数 4 页
it is good to learn at another man's
learn from other's strong points to offset one's
love me, love my
no garden withour
no man can do two things at
no swee


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