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20110907 10:20:06紫铭教育
下面是SAT 真题短篇阅读的第二篇,我们在此将其作为一个练习,你可以试试用上面的方法步骤完成这第二个小短篇。
Passage 2
Question 1112 are based on the following passage
Some critics believe that the frequent use of repetition in Native American ceremonial texts was a result of their oral nature and helped make the works easy to remember. Native American scholar Paula Gunn Allen argues that this factor must be peripheral, however, because people in societies without writing traditionally have had more finely developed memories than do people who use writing. Native American children learned early to remember complicated instructions and long stories by heart. For a person who couldn’t run to a bookshelf to look up information, reliance on memory became very important in everyday life. Such a highly developed everyday memory is not likely to fail on ceremonial occasions.
11. The primary purpose of the passage is to
第3页 /总页数 4 页
(A)refute a claim
(B)describe a process
(C)analyze a discovery
(D)advocate a practice
(E)reveal a problem
12. In context, what does the final sentence suggest about Native American ceremonial texts?
(A)Understanding them requires a highly developed memory.
(B)Their inclusion of complicated and detailed material is traditional.
(C)They are not always oral in nature, nor are the


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