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上传人:蓝天 2021/9/21 文件大小:89 KB





at last= in the end 2 be connected to/with 3 in a way= partly 4 flow through 5 be careful with
6 change..into= turn..into 7 a grin on one's face 8 be on 9 the whole of 10 keep doing sth/keep + adj.
stone deaf 12 pour into 13 drop...into 14 get cleaned up 15 It's time to do sth= It's time for sth
1 6 a water treatment works 17 finish with 18 pump...into 19 the Yangtze River 1 8 vote for
20 elect sb to be 21 ought to = should 22 take charge of = be in charge of /be responsible for
23 talk over 24 take notes 25 make a decision / decide to do sth
26 agree to do sth/agree to sth /agree with sb 27 arrange to do sth/arrange for sb to do sth
28 hold a meeting= have a meeting 29 think about = consider 30 ask for 31 pay for= spend on
31 in danger 32 make sb do sth/make sb + adj. 33 sound puzzled 34 look foolish 34 turn on / turn off 35 be pleased with sb/ be pleased at sth
35 get fit /keep fit 36 living things 37 frozen food/freezing weather 38 belong to 39 tooth/teeth(pl) n.
1 energy n. / energetic adj. 2 form = kind 3 electric adj/electrical adj /electricity n. 4 danger n./ dangerous adj.
visible/ invisible adj. 6 monthly= once a month 7 fool n./ foolish adj. 8 real adj./really adv. 9 servant n./service v,
1 0 explain n./explanation n. 11 polite adj./politely adv. 1 2 move v./ movement n
hot adj./ heat n.
chemistry n.(化学)/chemical (化学物质 可数名